Week 4 challenges of Fortnite’s season 5 are now live in the game, challenging players to complete seven new objectives in exchange for special rewards. Many of these challenges are straightforward, but there are a couple that players may need help completing, such as the one requiring them to “Search between a gas station, soccer pitch, and Stunt Mountain.”

Like past Fortnite challenges, this is essentially a hint as to where to land on the map to find a hidden battle star. Once players know where the hidden battle star is located, completing this challenge is just a matter of landing next to it and collecting it before the swarms of other players kill you.

To find the hidden battle star that’s located between a gas station, soccer pitch, and Stunt Mountain, players need to head to the C5 quadrant on the map. There is a white tree here that sticks out because it is the only white tree in the area, and it’s located north of the gas station and just south of Pleasant Park. Walk around the base of the tree to make the battle star appear.

After players have managed to find that hidden battle star, they will still have plenty of objectives left to complete if they hope to unlock everything their Battle Pass has to offer. Other Week 4 challenges ask players to build structures, jump through flaming hoops in a shopping cart or ATK golf cart, and eliminate opponents in Dusty Divot.

Battle Pass owners will have four additional challenges to complete on top of the ones already listed. Besides finding the hidden battle star explained here, Battle Pass owners also need to deal damage to their opponents using Sniper Rifles, search chests in Flush Factory, and rack up at least three Pistol Eliminations.

Like past weeks, completing all the challenges in Week 4 isn’t going to be a cakewalk, but with another practice and patience, most players shouldn’t have too much trouble completing their Battle Pass.

Fortnite is out now in early access for iOS, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.