Retailer GameStop has announced plans to begin re-opening certain stores across the world, despite the ongoing health issues presented by the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, the company announced that it will be cutting pay to certain employees globally, including GameStop CEO George Sherman, who is temporarily taking a 50% cut to his base salary.
GameStop initially remained open during the coronavirus pandemic, citing itself as an essential business. The move resulted in a tsunami of negative feedback from numerous corners of the internet, with many citing the move as greedy and ignorant, among many other things. In the announcement, GameStop revealed that it will be re-opening stores in “Italy, Germany, Austria and the states of South Carolina and Georgia,” but stated that it was also preparing to potentially re-open in other countries and states in the near future.
At one point, GameStop employees were instructed to use bags as gloves while helping customers at curbside pick up, a move that was met with even more negative feedback. The situation has been frustrating for many, though some believe that if GameStop completely shuts down for the pandemic, it likely won’t open back up again. However, it’s not entirely clear if that would actually be the case.
Early on, reports of GameStop employees not receiving essential cleaning supplies broke, raising concerns among many, as the store encourages shoppers to touch the products on the shelf before purchasing them. It’s been a PR disaster for the company thus far, as it chooses to shut down and possibly face permanent closure, or remain open and put its employees and customers at risk of catching COVID-19.
Re-opening too early is an incredibly short-sighted move. Not only does it have the potential to put customers at risk, but it’s also indicative of blatant disregard for GameStop’s employees’ health, despite claims that the well-being of both remains a top priority. The situation has been made worse by a leaked call of GameStop executives downplaying the coronavirus.
For now, GameStop remains in business. However, the company has announced 300 stores will be closing permanently, and there will likely be more in the future as the coronavirus presses on.
Source: GameStop